
To start writing the manuscript, please follow this guideline. Please be aware that your manuscript topic should be in line with the topic listed here. The manuscript should consist of 6 (six) to 8 (eight) pages. If it exceeds the maximum limit, an additional fee (IDR 150.000 OR USD 20 per additional page) will be charged. One of the authors is required to attend the online conference to make a full presentation of the work.

Formatting instructions for all papers: they must be written in English and use standard single-column conference proceeding guidelines provided here and here. For your convenience, you could also utilize provided template here or here. Only DOCX files will be accepted for the review process. All papers must be original from the author’s research and have similarity rates of less than 25%. We will follow a single-blind review process. You should also be aware of the submission deadline here.

The submission process will make use of the ICATECH submission platform.